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2021-01-28 20:11:47 +00:00
#Sorting customization
#Rules for sorting
#Each element is of the form <POS> <CATEGORY>
#A-D is the row from top to bottom
#1-9 is the column from left to right
#POS denotes the target slots
#Exs. POS = D3 means 3rd slot of hotbar
# POS = B means 2nd row, left to right
# POS = 9 means 9th column, bottom to top
# POS = A1-C9 means slots A1,A2,…,A9,B1,…,B9,C1,…,C9
# POS = A9-C1 means slots A9,A8,…,A1,B9,…,B1,C9,…,C1
#Append v to POS of the form A1-C9 to move in columns instead of rows
#Append r to POS of the form B or 9 to reverse slot order
#CATEGORY is the item category to designate the slots to
#CATEGORY = /LOCKED prevents slots from moving in sorting
#CATEGORY = /FROZEN has the effect of /LOCKED and, in addition, ignores slot in auto-refill
#CATEGORY = /OTHER covers all remaining items after other rules are exhausted
rules = ["D /LOCKED", "A1-C9 /OTHER"]
#Custom settings per GUI
#x = x-position of external sort button relative to GUI top left
#y = same as above except for the y-position
#Omit x and y to leave position unchanged
#sortRange = slots to sort
#E.g. sortRange = "5,0-2" sorts slots 5,0,1,2 in that order
#sortRange = "" disables sorting for that container
#Out-of-bound slots are ignored
#Omit sortRange to leave as default
containerClass = "com.tfar.craftingstation.CraftingStationContainer"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "tfar.dankstorage.container.DankContainers"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "mcjty.rftoolsutility.modules.crafter.blocks.CrafterContainer"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "appeng.container.implementations.InterfaceTerminalContainer"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "appeng.container.implementations.CraftingTermContainer"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "appeng.container.implementations.PatternTermContainer"
sortRange = ""
containerClass = "appeng.container.implementations.WirelessTermContainer"
sortRange = ""
#Categor(y/ies) for sorting
#name: the name of the category
#Each element denotes a series of semicolon-separated clauses
#Items need to match all clauses of at least one element
#Items matching earlier elements are earlier in order
#A clause of the form /tag:<tag_value> matches a tag
#Clauses /instanceof:<fully_qualified_name> or /class:<fully_qualified_name> check if item is
#instance of class or exactly of that class respectively
#Specifying an item's registry name as a clause checks for that item
#Prepending an exclamation mark at the start of a clause inverts it
name = "sword"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.SwordItem"]
name = "axe"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.AxeItem"]
name = "pickaxe"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.PickaxeItem"]
name = "shovel"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.ShovelItem"]
name = "acceptableFood"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.Food; !minecraft:rotten_flesh; !minecraft:spider_eye; !minecraft:poisonous_potato; !minecraft:pufferfish"]
name = "torch"
spec = ["minecraft:torch"]
name = "cheapBlocks"
spec = ["/tag:minecraft:cobblestone", "/tag:minecraft:dirt"]
name = "blocks"
spec = ["/instanceof:net.minecraft.item.BlockItem"]
#0 = disable buttons (i.e. keybind only)
#1 = buttons for player sorting only
#2 = buttons for external sorting only
#3 = all buttons enabled (default)
#Range: 0 ~ 3
enableButtons = 3
#Enable auto-refill
autoRefill = true
#0 = disable sorting
#1 = player sorting only
#2 = external sorting only
#3 = all sorting enabled (default)
#Range: 0 ~ 3
enableSort = 3
#Enable a quick view of how many items that you're currently holding exists in your inventory by displaying it next your hotbar.
quickView = true