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#General mod settings
#Defined whether or not a player can use Absolute Coords mode in the Copy Paste Gadget
"Allow Absolute Coords" = true
#Defines how far away you can build
#Range: 1.0 ~ 48.0
MaxBuildDistance = 32.0
#Whether the Building / CopyPaste Gadget can overwrite blocks like water, lava, grass, etc (like a player can).
#False will only allow it to overwrite air blocks.
"Allow non-Air-Block-Overwrite" = true
#Configure the Gadgets
#The max range of the Gadgets
#Range: 1 ~ 32
"Maximum allowed Range" = 15
#Maximum amount of Blocks to be placed in one Tick.
#Notice that an EffectBlock takes 20 ticks to place, therefore a Server has to handle 20-times this value effect-block Tile's at once. Reduce this if you notice lag-spikes from Players placing Templates.
#Of course decreasing this value will result in more time required to place large TemplateItem's.
#Range: > 1
"Max Placement/Tick" = 1024
#Energy Cost & Durability of the Building Gadget
[Gadgets."Building Gadget"]
#The max energy of the Gadget, set to 0 to disable energy usage
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Energy" = 500000
#The Gadget's Energy cost per Operation
#Range: > 0
"Energy Cost" = 50
#The Gadget's Max Undo size (Note, the exchanger does not support undo)
#Range: 0 ~ 128
"Max Undo History Size" = 10
#Energy Cost & Durability of the Exchanging Gadget
[Gadgets."Exchanging Gadget"]
#The max energy of the Gadget, set to 0 to disable energy usage
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Energy" = 500000
#The Gadget's Energy cost per Operation
#Range: > 0
"Energy Cost" = 100
#The Gadget's Max Undo size (Note, the exchanger does not support undo)
#Range: 0 ~ 128
"Max Undo History Size" = 10
#Energy Cost, Durability & Maximum Energy of the Destruction Gadget
[Gadgets."Destruction Gadget"]
#The max energy of the Gadget, set to 0 to disable energy usage
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Energy" = 1000000
#The Gadget's Energy cost per Operation
#Range: > 0
"Energy Cost" = 200
#The Gadget's Max Undo size (Note, the exchanger does not support undo)
#Range: 0 ~ 128
"Max Undo History Size" = 1
#The maximum dimensions, the Destruction Gadget can destroy.
#Range: 0 ~ 32
"Destroy Dimensions" = 16
#The cost in energy/durability will increase by this amount when not in fuzzy mode
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Non-Fuzzy Mode Multiplier" = 2.0
#If enabled, the Destruction Gadget can be taken out of fuzzy mode, allowing only instances of the block clicked to be removed (at a higher cost)
"Non-Fuzzy Mode Enabled" = false
#Energy Cost & Durability of the Copy-Paste Gadget
[Gadgets."Copy-Paste Gadget"]
#The max energy of the Gadget, set to 0 to disable energy usage
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Energy" = 500000
#The Gadget's Energy cost per Operation
#Range: > 0
"Energy Cost" = 50
#The Gadget's Max Undo size (Note, the exchanger does not support undo)
#Range: 0 ~ 128
"Max Undo History Size" = 1
#Maximum amount of Blocks to be copied in one Tick.
#Lower values may improve Server-Performance when copying large Templates
#Range: > 1
"Max Copy/Tick" = 32768
#Maximum dimensions (x, y and z) that can be copied by a Template without requiring special permission.
#Permission can be granted using the '/buildinggadgets OverrideCopySize [<Player>]' command.
#Range: > -1
"Max Copy Dimensions" = 256
#Maximum dimensions (x, y and z) that can be build by a Template without requiring special permission.
#Permission can be granted using the '/buildinggadgets OverrideBuildSize [<Player>]' command.
#Range: > -1
"Max Build Dimensions" = 256
#Configure the Paste Containers
["Paste Containers"]
#The maximum capacity of a tier 1 (iron) Construction Paste Container
#Range: > 1
"T1 Container Capacity" = 512
#The maximum capacity of a tier 2 (iron) Construction Paste Container
#Range: > 1
"T2 Container Capacity" = 2048
#The maximum capacity of a tier 3 (iron) Construction Paste Container
#Range: > 1
"T3 Container Capacity" = 8192