
170 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-02-06 11:01:02 +00:00
#version 110
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;// ios
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
#define speedAll 0.06
#define iterations 12
#define formuparam2 0.79
#define volsteps 7
#define stepsize 0.290
#define zoom 1.0
#define tile 0.850
#define speed2 0.2
#define brightness 0.0015
#define darkmatter 0.100
#define distfading 0.560
#define saturation 0.90
#define transverseSpeed zoom
#define cloud 0.17
float triangle(float x, float a) {
float output2 = 2.0*abs(3.0* ((x/a) - floor((x/a) + 0.5))) - 1.0;
return output2;
float field(in vec3 p) {
float strength = 7. + .03 * log(1.e-6 + fract(sin(time*speedAll) * 373.11));
float accum = 0.;
float prev = 0.;
float tw = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
float mag = dot(p, p);
p = abs(p) / mag + vec3(-.5, -.8 + 0.1*sin(-time*speedAll*0.1 + 2.0), -1.1+0.3*cos(time*speedAll*0.3));
float w = exp(-float(i) / 7.);
accum += w * exp(-strength * pow(abs(mag - prev), 2.3));
tw += w;
prev = mag;
return max(0., 5. * accum / tw - .7);
void main() {
vec2 uv2 = 2. * gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(512) - 1.;
vec2 uvs = uv2 * vec2(512) / 512.;
float time2 = time*speedAll;
float speed = -speed2;
speed = .005 * cos(time2*0.02 + 3.1415926/4.0);
//speed = 0.0;
float formuparam = formuparam2;
//get coords and direction
vec2 uv = uvs;
float a_xz = 0.9;
float a_yz = -.6;
float a_xy = 0.9 + time*speedAll*0.08;
mat2 rot_xz = mat2(cos(a_xz), sin(a_xz), -sin(a_xz), cos(a_xz));
mat2 rot_yz = mat2(cos(a_yz), sin(a_yz), -sin(a_yz), cos(a_yz));
mat2 rot_xy = mat2(cos(a_xy), sin(a_xy), -sin(a_xy), cos(a_xy));
float v2 =1.0;
vec3 dir=vec3(uv*zoom, 1.);
vec3 from=vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
from.x += 1.0;
from.y += 1.0;
vec3 forward = vec3(0., 0., 1.);
from.x += transverseSpeed*(1.0)*cos(0.01*time*speedAll) + 0.001*time*speedAll;
from.y += transverseSpeed*(1.0)*sin(0.01*time*speedAll) +0.001*time*speedAll;
from.z += 0.003*time*speedAll;
forward.xy *= rot_xy;
forward.xz *= rot_xz;
dir.yz*= rot_yz;
forward.yz *= rot_yz;
from.yz*= rot_yz;
float zooom = (time2-3311.)*speed;
from += forward* zooom;
float sampleShift = mod(zooom, stepsize);
float zoffset = -sampleShift;
sampleShift /= stepsize;// make from 0 to 1
//volumetric rendering
float s=0.24;
float s3 = s + stepsize/2.0;
vec3 v=vec3(0.);
float t3 = 0.0;
vec3 backCol2 = vec3(0.);
for (int r=0; r<volsteps; r++) {
vec3 p2=from+(s+zoffset)*dir;// + vec3(0.,0.,zoffset);
vec3 p3=from+(s3+zoffset)*dir;// + vec3(0.,0.,zoffset);
p2 = abs(vec3(tile)-mod(p2, vec3(tile*2.)));// tiling fold
p3 = abs(vec3(tile)-mod(p3, vec3(tile*2.)));// tiling fold
#ifdef cloud
t3 = field(p3);
float pa, a=pa=0.;
for (int i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
//p2=abs(p2)/dot(p2, p2)-formuparam;// the magic formula
p2=abs(p2)/max(dot(p2, p2), 0.002)-formuparam;// another interesting way to reduce noise
float D = abs(length(p2)-pa);// absolute sum of average change
a += i > 7 ? min(12., D) : D;
//float dm=max(0.,darkmatter-a*a*.001); //dark matter
a*=a*a;// add contrast
//if (r>3) fade*=1.-dm; // dark matter, don't render near
// brightens stuff up a bit
float s1 = s+zoffset;
// need closed form expression for this, now that we shift samples
float fade = pow(distfading, max(0., float(r)-sampleShift));
//t3 += fade;
//backCol2 -= fade;
// fade out samples as they approach the camera
if (r == 0)
fade *= (1. - (sampleShift));
// fade in samples as they approach from the distance
if (r == volsteps-1)
fade *= sampleShift;
v+=vec3(s1, s1*s1, s1*s1*s1*s1)*a*brightness*fade;// coloring based on distance
backCol2 += mix(.4, 1., v2) * vec3(1.8 * t3 * t3 * t3, 1.4 * t3 * t3, t3) * fade;
s3 += stepsize;
v=mix(vec3(length(v)), v, saturation);//color adjust
vec4 forCol2 = vec4(v*.01, 1.);
#ifdef cloud
backCol2 *= cloud;
backCol2.b *= 1.8;
backCol2.r *= 0.05;
backCol2.b = 0.5*mix(backCol2.g, backCol2.b, 0.8);
backCol2.g = 0.0;
backCol2.bg = mix(backCol2.gb, backCol2.bg, 0.5*(cos(time*speedAll*0.01) + 1.0));
gl_FragColor = forCol2 + vec4(backCol2, 1.0);