event.add('savageandravage:skeleton_villager_spawn_egg','Using a Skeleton Villager Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a skeleton villager spawner.')
//Apotheosis - Quark: Mob
event.add('quark:wrapped_spawn_egg','Using a Wrapped Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a wrapped spawner.')
//Apotheosis - Neapolitan: Mob
event.add('neapolitan:plantain_spider_spawn_egg','Using a Plantain Spider Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a plantain spider spawner.')
event.add('minecraft:pig_spawn_egg',['Using a Pig Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a pig spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('minecraft:sheep_spawn_egg',['Using a Sheep Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a sheep spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('minecraft:rabbit_spawn_egg',['Using a Rabbit Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a rabbit spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('minecraft:chicken_spawn_egg',['Using a Chicken Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a chicken spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('minecraft:cow_spawn_egg',['Using a Cow Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a cow spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('minecraft:mooshroom_spawn_egg',['Using a Mooshroom Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a mooshroom spawner.','Requires a mycelium surface for the spawner to work.'])
event.add('mysticalworld:sprout_spawn_egg',['Using a Sprout Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a sprout spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
//Apotheosis - Buzzier Bees: Animal
event.add('buzzier_bees:moobloom_spawn_egg',['Using a Moobloom Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a moobloom spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
//Apotheosis - Autumnity: Animal
event.add('autumnity:turkey_spawn_egg',['Using a Turkey Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a turkey spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])
//Apotheosis - Mystical World: Animal
event.add('mysticalworld:deer_spawn_egg',['Using a Deer Spawn Egg on a spawner will change the spawner to a deer spawner.','Requires a grass block surface for the spawner to work.'])