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diff --git a/journeymap/icon/theme/flat/minimap/square/pur_topright.png b/journeymap/icon/theme/flat/minimap/square/pur_topright.png deleted file mode 100644 index 635bf91..0000000 Binary files a/journeymap/icon/theme/flat/minimap/square/pur_topright.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/journeymap/journeymap.log b/journeymap/journeymap.log deleted file mode 100644 index 1b1949e..0000000 --- a/journeymap/journeymap.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -[12:22:04] [Render thread/INFO] [JMLogger] JourneyMap log initialized. -[12:22:04] [Render thread/INFO] [JourneymapClient] initialize ENTER -[12:22:04] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] core (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.core.config -[12:22:04] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] core (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.core.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] fullmap (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.fullmap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] fullmap (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.fullmap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] minimap (Initialized) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.minimap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] minimap (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.minimap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] minimap2 (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.minimap2.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] minimap2 (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.minimap2.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] topo (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.topo.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] topo (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.topo.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] webmap (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.webmap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] webmap (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.webmap.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] waypoint (FirstLoaded) Setting config file to version "5.7.0dev": journeymap.waypoint.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PropertiesBase] waypoint (Valid) Creating config file: F:\Games\Minecraft\Instances\Fellies\journeymap\config\5.7\journeymap.waypoint.config -[12:22:05] [Render thread/WARN] [Constants] Couldn't determine locale from game settings, defaulting to en_US -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [?] Version: JourneyMap @MCVERSION@-5.7.0dev, built with Forge @FORGEVERSION@ -Forge: 31.1.46 -Environment: os.name, os.arch, java.version, user.country, user.language=null, game language=en_us, locale=en_US -Features: - RadarPlayers : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - RadarAnimals : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - RadarMobs : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - RadarVillagers : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - MapTopo : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - MapSurface : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true - MapCaves : singleplayer = true , multiplayer = true -MiniMapProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.minimap.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, zoomLevel=0, showPlayers=true, frameAlpha=100, compassFontScale=1, terrainAlpha=100, showEntityNames=true, enabled=true, showPlayerHeading=true, showVillagers=true, info2Label=jm.theme.labelsource.gametime, sizePercent=30, showDayNight=true, info3Label=jm.theme.labelsource.location, showMobs=true, showPets=true, preferredMapType=day, showCompass=true, mobDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, showReticle=true, orientation=jm.minimap.orientation.north, systemTimeRealFormat=HH:mm:ss, shape=jm.minimap.shape_circle, showSelf=true, info4Label=jm.theme.labelsource.biome, locationFormat=xzyv, playerDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, showGrid=true, reticleOrientation=jm.minimap.orientation.compass, gameTimeRealFormat=HH:mm:ss, showWaypoints=true, showCaves=true, showAnimals=true, showMobHeading=true, showWaypointLabels=true, locationFormatVerbose=true, position=jm.minimap.position_topright, info1Label=jm.theme.labelsource.blank, fontScale=1} -MiniMapProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.minimap2.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, zoomLevel=0, showPlayers=true, frameAlpha=100, compassFontScale=1, terrainAlpha=100, showEntityNames=true, enabled=true, showPlayerHeading=true, showVillagers=true, info2Label=jm.theme.labelsource.gametime, sizePercent=30, showDayNight=true, info3Label=jm.theme.labelsource.location, showMobs=true, showPets=true, preferredMapType=day, showCompass=true, mobDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, showReticle=true, orientation=jm.minimap.orientation.north, systemTimeRealFormat=HH:mm:ss, shape=jm.minimap.shape_rectangle, showSelf=true, info4Label=jm.theme.labelsource.biome, locationFormat=xzyv, playerDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, showGrid=true, reticleOrientation=jm.minimap.orientation.compass, gameTimeRealFormat=HH:mm:ss, showWaypoints=true, showCaves=true, showAnimals=true, showMobHeading=true, showWaypointLabels=true, locationFormatVerbose=true, position=jm.minimap.position_topright, info1Label=jm.theme.labelsource.blank, fontScale=1} -FullMapProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.fullmap.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, mobDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, zoomLevel=0, showPlayers=true, showSelf=true, locationFormat=xzyv, playerDisplay=jm.common.entity_display.small_dots, showGrid=true, showEntityNames=true, showPlayerHeading=true, showVillagers=true, showWaypoints=true, showCaves=true, showAnimals=true, showMobHeading=true, showKeys=true, showWaypointLabels=true, locationFormatVerbose=true, showMobs=true, showPets=true, fontScale=1, preferredMapType=day} -WaypointProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.waypoint.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, autoRemoveDeathpointDistance=2, createDeathpoints=true, showName=true, dateFormat=MM-dd-yyyy, autoRemoveDeathpoints=false, maxDistance=0, autoHideLabel=true, teleportCommand=/tp {name} {x} {y} {z}, showStaticBeam=true, minDistance=4, timeFormat=HH:mm:ss, boldLabel=false, textureSmall=true, showDeathpointlabel=true, showDistance=true, showRotatingBeam=true, fontScale=2, showTexture=true, managerEnabled=true, beaconEnabled=true} -WebMapProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.webmap.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, zoomLevel=0, showWaypoints=true, showCaves=true, showSelf=true, port=8080, showGrid=true, showEntityNames=true, enabled=false, preferredMapType=day} -CoreProperties{state=SavedOk, file=journeymap.core.config, configVersion=5.7.0dev, verboseColorPalette=false, maxPlayersData=32, mapSurfaceAboveCaves=true, optionsManagerViewed=null, announceMod=true, colorPassive=#bbbbbb, renderOverlayEventTypeName=ALL, mapBlendWater=false, renderDistanceSurfaceMax=7, radarVerticalDistance=16, mapBlendGrass=true, recordCacheStats=false, hideSneakingEntities=true, revealShape=jm.minimap.shape_circle, alwaysMapSurface=false, colorVillager=#88e188, mapPlants=false, colorPet=#0077ff, radarLateralDistance=64, mapBathymetry=false, mapCrops=true, maxMobsData=32, mapPlantShadows=false, alwaysMapCaves=false, checkUpdates=true, browserPoll=2000, mapBlendFoliage=true, mappingEnabled=true, colorPlayer=#ffffff, tileHighDisplayQuality=true, cacheVillagersData=2200, logLevel=INFO, maxVillagersData=32, maxAnimalsData=32, mapTransparency=true, tileRenderType=1, caveIgnoreGlass=true, mapTopography=true, renderDistanceCaveMax=3, mapAntialiasing=true, colorSelf=#0000ff, cachePlayersData=2000, cacheMobsData=3000, cachePlayerData=1000, splashViewed=null, colorHostile=#ff0000, cacheAnimalsData=3100, themeName=OceanMonument, mapCaveLighting=true, renderDelay=2, renderOverlayPreEvent=true, autoMapPoll=2000} -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [ClientAPI] [ClientAPI] built with JourneyMap API 1.5-SNAPSHOT -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [PluginHelper] Initializing plugins with Client API: journeymap.client.api.impl.ClientAPI -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [JourneymapClient] initialize EXIT, elapsed count 0 avg ?ms -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [IconSetFileHandler] Added entity icons from journeymap:icon/entity. Success: false -[12:22:05] [Render thread/INFO] [ThemeLoader] Preloaded theme textures: 73