#General settings [general] #Settings for the blazing generator [general.blazing] #Maximum amount of power the blazing generator can store #Range: > 0 blazingGeneratorMaxPower = 1000000 #Maximum amount of power the blazing generator give to adjacent machines per side and per tick #Range: > 0 blazingGeneratorSendPerTick = 20000 #Maximum amount of power the blazing agitator can store #Range: > 0 blazingAgitatorMaxPower = 50000 #Amount of RF per tick input (per side) for the agitator #Range: > 0 blazingAgitatorRFPerTick = 100 #Amount of RF per tick the agitator uses while operating #Range: > 0 blazingAgitatorUsePerTick = 10 #Maximum amount of power the blazing infuser can store #Range: > 0 blazingInfuserMaxPower = 50000 #Amount of RF per tick input (per side) for the infuser #Range: > 0 blazingInfuserRFPerTick = 100 #Amount of RF per tick the infuser uses while operating #Range: > 0 blazingInfuserUsePerTick = 10 #Settings for the powercell [general.dimensionalcell] #Base amount of RF/tick that can be extracted/inserted in this block #Range: > 0 rfPerTick = 5000 #Maximum RF storage that a single cell can hold #Range: > 0 rfPerNormalCell = 1000000 #How much better is the advanced cell with RF and RF/t #Range: > 0 advancedFactor = 4 #How much worse is the simple cell with RF and RF/t #Range: > 0 simpleFactor = 4 #The maximum cost factor for extracting energy out of a powercell for blocks in other dimensions or farther away then 10000 blocks #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 powerCellCostFactor = 1.1 #At this distance the cost factor will be maximum. This value is also used when power is extracted from cells in different dimensions #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 powerCellDistanceCap = 10000.0 #As soon as powercells are not connected this value will be taken as the minimum distance to base the cost factor from #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 powerCellMinDistance = 100.0 #A multiplier for the distance if RFTools dimensions are involved. If both sides are RFTools dimensions then this multiplier is done twice #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 powerCellRFToolsDimensionAdvantage = 0.5 #RF per tick that the powrcell can charge items with #Range: > 0 powercellChargePerTick = 30000 #Settings for the endergenic generator [general.endergenic] #Maximum amount of power the endergenic can store #Range: > 0 endergenicMaxPower = 5000000 #The chance (in 1/10 percent, so 1000 = 100%) that an endergenic pearl is lost while trying to hold it #Range: 0 ~ 1000 endergenicChanceLost = 5 #The amount of RF that is consumed every tick to hold the endergenic pearl #Range: > 0 endergenicRfHolding = 500 #The amount of RF that every endergenic will keep itself (so that it can hold pearls) #Range: > 0 endergenicKeepRf = 2000 #The amount of RF per tick that this generator can give from its internal buffer to adjacent blocks #Range: > 0 endergenicSendPerTick = 20000 #The amount of particles to spawn whenever energy is generated (use 0 to disable) #Range: 0 ~ 1000 endergenicGoodParticles = 10 #The amount of particles to spawn whenever a pearl is lost (use 0 to disable) #Range: 0 ~ 1000 endergenicBadParticles = 10 #Multiplier for power generation #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0E9 powergenFactor = 2.0 #Coal generator settings [general.coalgenerator] #Amount of RF generated per tick #Range: > 0 generatePerTick = 60 #Amount of ticks generated per coal #Range: > 0 ticksPerCoal = 600 #Maximum RF storage that the generator can hold #Range: > 0 generatorMaxRF = 500000 #RF per tick that the generator can send #Range: > 0 generatorRFPerTick = 2000 #RF per tick that the generator can charge items with #Range: > 0 generatorChargePerTick = 1000 #Powercell settings [general.powercell] #Maximum RF a single tier1 cell can hold #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier1MaxRF = 500000 #Maximum RF a single tier2 cell can hold #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier2MaxRF = 4000000 #Maximum RF a single tier3 cell can hold #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier3MaxRF = 20000000 #Maximum RF/tick per side for a tier1 cell #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier1MaxRFPerTick = 250 #Maximum RF/tick per side for a tier2 cell #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier2MaxRFPerTick = 1000 #Maximum RF/tick per side for a tier3 cell #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 tier3MaxRFPerTick = 4000 #How much extra RF/tick every cell gets per cell in the network. 0 means constant RF/t. 1 means linear with amount of cells #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 rfPerTickScale = 0.25 #Maximum number of blocks in a single multiblock network #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 networkMax = 729