[pump] #The range of the pump #Range: 0 ~ 1024 range = 64 #The interval in ticks for when to move on to the next block (higher is slower) #Range: 0 ~ 1024 speed = 4 #The capacity of the internal pump tank #Range: > 1000 tankCapacity = 16000 #The capacity of the energy storage #Range: > 0 energyCapacity = 100000 #Energy drained when moving to the next block #Range: > 0 energyUsagePerMove = 0 #Energy drained when draining liquid #Range: > 0 energyUsagePerDrain = 250 #Whether the pump uses energy to work useEnergy = true #Replaces liquids that are removed with a block defined in 'blockIdToReplaceLiquidsWith' (to reduce lag) replaceLiquidWithBlock = true #The block that liquids are replaced with when 'replaceLiquidWithBlock' is true blockIdToReplaceLiquidsWith = "minecraft:stone"