#Mekanism Generators Config. This config is synced between server and client. [generators] #Amount of energy in Joules the Bio Generator produces per tick. bioGeneration = "350" #Affects the Injection Rate, Max Temp, and Ignition Temp. energyPerFusionFuel = "10000000" #Peak output for the Solar Generator. Note: It can go higher than this value in some extreme environments. solarGeneration = "50" #Peak output for the Advanced Solar Generator. Note: It can go higher than this value in some extreme environments. advancedSolarGeneration = "300" #Heat Generator Settings [generators.heat_generator] #Amount of energy in Joules the Heat Generator produces per tick. (heatGenerationLava * heatGenerationLava) + heatGenerationNether heatGeneration = "200" #Multiplier of effectiveness of Lava in the Heat Generator. heatGenerationLava = "30" #Add this amount of Joules to the energy produced by a heat generator if it is in an 'ultrawarm' dimension, in vanilla this is just the Nether. heatGenerationNether = "100" #Turbine Settings [generators.turbine] #The number of blades on each turbine coil per blade applied. turbineBladesPerCoil = 4 #The rate at which steam is vented into the turbine. turbineVentGasFlow = 32000.0 #The rate at which steam is dispersed into the turbine. turbineDisperserGasFlow = 1280.0 #The rate at which steam is condensed in the turbine. condenserRate = 64000 #Wind Generator Settings [generators.wind_generator] #Minimum base generation value of the Wind Generator. windGenerationMin = "60" #Maximum base generation value of the Wind Generator. windGenerationMax = "480" #The minimum Y value that affects the Wind Generators Power generation. windGenerationMinY = 24 #The maximum Y value that affects the Wind Generators Power generation. windGenerationMaxY = 255 #The list of dimension ids that the Wind Generator will not generate power in. windGenerationDimBlacklist = [] #Hohlraum Settings [generators.hohlraum] #Hohlraum capacity in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 maxGas = 10 #Amount of DT-Fuel Hohlraum can accept per tick. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 fillRate = 1 #Fission Reactor Settings [generators.fission_reactor] #Amount of energy created (in heat) from each whole mB of fission fuel. energyPerFissionFuel = "1000000" #The heat capacity added to a Fission Reactor by a single casing block. Increase to require more energy to raise the reactor temperature. casingHeatCapacity = 1000.0 #The average surface area of a Fission Reactor's fuel assemblies to reach 100% boil efficiency. Higher values make it harder to cool the reactor. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 surfaceAreaTarget = 4.0 #Whether catastrophic meltdowns can occur from Fission Reactors. meltdownsEnabled = true #The chance of a meltdown occurring once damage passes 100%. Will linearly scale as damage continues increasing. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 meltdownChance = 0.001 #How much radioactivity of fuel/waste contents are multiplied during a meltdown. meltdownRadiationMultiplier = 50.0