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2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
["Bee Options"]
#Should bees die from stinging?
#Note: Bees will continue to attack until they are no longer angry!
beeDiesFromSting = true
#Should bees die when their Y-level is below 0?
#Note: If false, bees will get stuck just below y-0 and not move. **May not be useful with new AI**
beeDiesInVoid = true
#This value scales the child size for all Resource Bees.
#Range: 1.0 ~ 2.0
global_child_size_modifier = 1.0
#This value scales the bee size for all Resource Bees.
#Note: Setting the value in bee JSON overrides this value.
#Range: 0.5 ~ 2.0
global_bee_size_modifier = 1.0
#Should bees inflict poison damage?
#Note: Poison is only inflicted if a bee has not been given a trait with a special damage output.
#Set to false if you want to configure bees individually.
beesInflictPoison = true
["Apiary Options"]
#Maximum number of UNIQUE bees allowed in the Apiary.
#Range: 1 ~ 16
apiaryMaxBees = 9
#Tier 3 Apiary Output
#Allowed Values: COMB, BLOCK
tierThreeApiaryOutput = "BLOCK"
#Tier 4 Apiary Output Quantity
#Range: > 1
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
tierFourApiaryQuantity = 2
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Tier 2 Apiary Output
#Allowed Values: COMB, BLOCK
tierTwoApiaryOutput = "COMB"
#Tier 2 Apiary Output Quantity
#Range: > 1
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
tierTwoApiaryQuantity = 6
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Tier 3 Apiary Output Quantity
#Range: > 1
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
tierThreeApiaryQuantity = 1
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Tier 1 Apiary Output Quantity
#Range: > 1
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
tierOneApiaryQuantity = 3
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Tier 4 Apiary Output
#Allowed Values: COMB, BLOCK
tierFourApiaryOutput = "BLOCK"
#Maximum breed time before upgrades are applied.
#Range: 1200 ~ 4800
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
apiaryMaxBreedTime = 3200
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Tier 1 Apiary Output
#Allowed Values: COMB, BLOCK
tierOneApiaryOutput = "COMB"
["Honey Options"]
#Should honey block recipies be generated? [true/false]
honeyBlockRecipies = true
#Set to false if you don't want the custom honey blocks to be generated [true/false]
generateHoneyBlocks = true
#Set to false if you don't want the custom honey fluids to be generated [true/false]
generateHoneyFluids = true
["Centrifuge Options"]
#Amount of hunger the player uses per click on mechanical centrifuge.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
mechanicalCentrifugePlayerExhaustion = 0.1
#Global recipe time for generated centrifuge recipes
#This does not affect recipes that are not auto generated by us.
#Time is in ticks.
#Range: 100 ~ 2400
globalCentrifugeRecipeTime = 200
#Tick reduction applied to centrifuge recipes
#This does not affect recipes that are not auto generated by us.
#NOTE: Lowest recipe time allowed is 5 ticks regardless of values provided.
#Range: 10 ~ 1200
multiblockRecipeTimeReduction = 150
#Centrifuge Max energy storage.
#The Centrifuge Multiblocks max energy storage is 5x this amount
#Range: 1000 ~ 1000000
maxCentrifugeRf = 10000
# Makes it so multiblock centrifuge can only do multiblock recipes. [true/false]
multiblockRecipesOnly = false
#RF/t consumed by the centrifuge when processing recipes. Mutliblock Centrifuge cuts this value in half.
#Range: 2 ~ 1000
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
centrifugeRfPerTick = 2
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
["Beehive Options"]
#Base honeycomb harvest amount
#(THIS * TIER_MODIFIER = MAX_COMBS) for a range of 5 -> 64
#Range: 5 ~ 16
hiveMaxCombs = 5
#Set to false if you want the player to only be able to get honeycombs from the beehive using the scraper [true/false]
allowShears = true
#Maximum number of bees in the base tier hive.
#(THIS * TIER_MODIFIER = MAX_BEES) for a range of 4 -> 16
#Range: 1 ~ 4
hiveMaxBees = 4
["General Options"]
#Sets the max durability for the smoker
#Range: 100 ~ 5000
smokerDurability = 1000
#Set this to false when you want to overwrite the default provided Biome Dictionary files. [true/false]
#This should be run at least once for initial generation.
generateBiomeDictionaries = false
#Set this to false when you want to use our custom Biome Dictionary system. [true/false]
#At a later time we will look into either combining with the Forge system or making the Forge system data pack capable.
useForgeBiomeDictionaries = true
#Set to true if you want easter egg bees to generate (WIP) [true/false]
#The only easter egg bee currently available is the Oreo bee
enableEasterEggBees = true
#Set this to false when you want to overwrite the default bee files. [true/false]
#This should be run at least once for initial generation.
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
generateDefaults = false
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
["Honey Generator Options"]
#Amount of honey consumed in mb/t.
#Range: 1 ~ 50
honeyDrainAmount = 5
#Amount of energy transferred out of the generator in rf/t.
#Range: 50 ~ 500
energyTransferAmount = 100
#Maximum internal honey capacity.
#Range: 1000 ~ 100000
maxTankCapacity = 10000
#Amount of rf/t generated.
#Range: 0 ~ 500
energyFillAmount = 125
#Amount of honey generated in mb/t. 1 bottle = 250mb honey
#Range: 1 ~ 50
honeyFillAmount = 10
#Maximum internal energy buffer.
#Range: 10000 ~ 1000000
maxEnergyCapacity = 100000
["Spawning Options"]
#Chance for nest to spawn when generating chunks in nether category biomes. [1/x]
#A higher value means the nest is less likely to spawn.
#Range: 4 ~ 100
nether_nest_generation_chance = 8
#The value added to weight for bees in a flower forests
#Range: 0 ~ 9
beesMoreCommonInFlowerForests = 4
#Chance for nest to spawn when generating chunks in overworld category biomes. [1/x]
#A higher value means the nest is less likely to spawn.
#Range: 4 ~ 100
2021-01-24 16:10:27 +00:00
overworld_nest_generation_chance = 64
2021-01-17 12:40:59 +00:00
#Chance for nest to spawn when generating chunks in end category biomes. [1/x]
#A higher value means the nest is less likely to spawn.
#Range: 4 ~ 100
end_nest_generation_chance = 32
#Should bee nests generate in world?
#Note: They will only generate in biomes where bees can spawn
generateBeeNests = true
["Recipe Options"]
#Set to false if you don't want the honeycomb block recipes to be auto generated [true/false]
honeycombBlockRecipes = true
#Set to false if you don't want the centrifuge recipes to be auto generated [true/false]
centrifugeRecipes = true
["Honeycomb Options"]
#The amount of hunger restored when eating a honeycomb.
#Range: 0 ~ 8
honeycombHunger = 1
#The amount of saturation restored when eating a honeycomb.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 8.0
honeycombSaturation = 0.6