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2021-01-11 21:08:08 +01:00

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#Set to false to disable the default way of unlocking trinkets.
unlockEnabled = true
#List of trinkets blocked from being unlocked, eg: ["losttrinkets:piggy", "losttrinkets:magical_feathers"]
#The trinkets listed in here will also be removed from players that already unlocked them.
blackList = []
#Amount of Xp levels added to the next unlocking cost.
#Range: 0 ~ 20
slotUpFactor = 3
#Numbers of trinket slots the player will start with (Only effect newer players!!).
#Range: 0 ~ 40
startSlots = 1
#Levels of xp needed to unlock a trinket slot.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
slotCost = 15
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from killing non-Boss entities.
killingUnlockEnabled = true
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from killing non-Boss entities. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
killing = 120
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from killing Bosses.
bossKillingUnlockEnabled = true
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from killing Bosses. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
bossKilling = 10
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from farming.
farmingUnlockEnabled = true
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from farming. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
farming = 140
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from mining ores. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
oresMining = 100
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from mining ores.
oresMiningUnlockEnabled = true
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from trading. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
trading = 30
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from trading.
tradingUnlockEnabled = true
#Rarity of unlocking a trinket from cutting trees. (Greater number = more rare)
#Range: 2 ~ 100000
woodCutting = 170
#Set to false to disable unlocking trinkets from cutting trees.
woodCuttingUnlockEnabled = true